Blog Archive

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Little Troublemaker

This is what transpired while I was cooking dinner and setting the table

Friday, March 21, 2014

9 Months Old

Time if flying by quickly. This little fellow just turned 9 months old this week and is growing up way too fast. He is such a great baby! Everyone tells me all the time how well behaved he is and a low maintenance baby. 
He has become very good at sitting up on his own. He can roll over all by himself. He still isn't crawling around and doesn't seem to want to use his leg much when standing with assistance. I will need to try to help straighten those leg muscles. He currently weights 17 lbs 1 oz. He smiles all the time. He is cutting his first tooth on the bottom middle. His favorite baby food is sweet potatoes. We are so blessed to have this little guy in our home. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Field Museum

Savannah gathering the corn in the Pueblo

Storage bin for the corn

Early Horse Skeletons

Mammoth Skeleton

Sue the dinosaur excavated in Utah

Dinosaur exhibit

Brontosaurus skeleton 

Savannah is the size of a dinosaurs footprint