Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Coloring Easter Eggs

Savannah wouldn't pose for a cute picture (little stinker)...Here is a snapshot of her Easter Dress

Looking for the goodies inside

Savannah's Easter basket

Easter Egg Hunt

Savannah helped color Easter Eggs with Grandma Nichols. Aunt Jenny hid the eggs and we lost an egg or two after the hunt was all over. Grandpa Nichols found a lost egg in the front yard the very next morning. Savannah had such a great time finding all eggs by herself that we repeated the hunt in the front yard.

Quality Time With Grandma

Watching the coi fish swimming in the pond and admiring the little stream

Grandma Nichols taught Savannah an Easter lesson while baking Resurrection Rolls together. The rolls turned out absolutely delicious. We had a nice roast for dinner and enjoyed FHE together as a family.

Bowling Time

We had stopped off at a Chinese buffet for lunch. 
We headed over to the bowling alley and found out they had a bowling league and we couldn't get a lane. Needless to say we came back the very next day and had a great time bowling. Grandpa Nichols was the big winner both games.

Learning How to Sew

Jenny gave me a Christmas present awhile back and Savannah has been constantly playing with it ever since.
A few days before we left on our trip down to Tennessee to see my folks. Savannah asked if her Aunt Jenny could make her a stuffed owl for her upcoming birthday. We stopped by Hancock Fabrics to see where Jenny works and I decided to pick up some fabric for her to make a Hello Kitty Owl. We came home and worked on it together. I helped a little bit in the process by cutting out the feathers. We finished this project in just three hours. Savannah was tickled pink and loves her new stuffed animal.