Blog Archive

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Savannah Four Years Old

Savannah is four years old and is thriving in her new home. She is getting ready to start preschool right after Labor Day. She is a great big sister! She learned how to ride a big girl bike. She is full of energy and life. She is a strong willed, bossy, take charge kind of girl. I have been working on improving her behavior for the past few months. Her behavior is getting better. She knows what she wants and goes after it. She always want to hang out with mom and have me do everything for her. She is also a sweet spirit with a very loving personality. She is a little chatter box. She is learning to do more things on her own. She is a little sponge constantly learning and discovering the world all around her. She can spell her name and tell you the letters in her name. 

Hunter Two Months

Hunter has recently turned two months old. He is sleeping for two-three hour stretches at a time. I feel like he is always hungry and is eating somewhere between 3 to 3/1/2 ounces per feeding. He is growing like a weed. He already weighs 12 pounds and is taller than Savannah was at this age. He can hold up his own head. He is very squiggly and has started to smile at people. I believe he has my smile and my eye color. He is a good baby and is low maintenance baby for the most part.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Family Picnic

When Grandma Sharon was still around she always had a tradition of buying the grandkids their back to school supplies. Well this year Auntie Dawn decided to carry on her memory and bought all the kids backpacks for the new school year. It was a really nice get together in the park. She had volunteered to buy some pizzas so that everyone could have dinner in the park. It was a great way to celebrate going back to school and visiting with each other. I decided to take this opportunity and get a few family photos with our newest member Hunter Schoen.  

Auntie Dawn

Auntie Dawn, Landon, and Hunter

Auntie Denise, Christine and Dawn with baby Hunter

Auntie Christine and Breanna, Hunter

Breanna and Hunter

Uncle Tim and Hunter

Uncle Tim and Auntie Dawn, Hunter

Auntie Denise and Hunter

Auntie Denise and Hunter

Grandma Delores, Mommy and Hunter

Frankie and Hunter