Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4 Months Old

Hunter 4 month old stats:

13 lbs 12 oz - 20th percentile for overall growth
24 inches long ( 10-20% percentile)
He is strong and healthy and also has good head control. He has received all his vaccinations.
He has recently started eating rice cereal. He is starting to make cooing noises and is a very easy baby. He is sleeping 5 hours straight at night with only one feeding. He is a very content little guy and can be left for long periods of time just watching all the things around him. He is a very happy baby!!

Fun with Playtime

One of Savannah's favorite things to do with daddy is to play horsey. She loves to ride around on his back and pretend to be a cowgirl. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Reverence Dog

Starting in Primary this year the Reverence Dog was created as an incentive for the children to be more reverent during sharing time. Savannah has been wanting this dog all year long . Today was the day that she was rewarded with the oversized puppy. She gets to take him home for a whole week to play with. She will return him back next week to church. She also did a great job on her part for the Primary program in just two short weeks. We are looking forward to seeing her saying her part. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tom's Pumpkin Farm

Today we ventured out the Tom's Pumpkin Farm. It had rained earlier in the day but cleared up so we headed out. Savannah loves going to pumpkin patches! 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Let the Festivities Begin

Two awesome kids

Auntie Lara made this Halloween dress

Taking a break in the rocking chairs

Hunter hanging out at the Apple Orchard

Savannah loved the magician and was laughing her head off at his routine

Savannah making a corn angel

Playing in the corn with her feet

Savannah, Elena and Ricardo aka Buddy

Savannah feeding the goats

The gang all hanging out watching the pig races

Savannah watching the baby chicks

Watching the chickens in the coop

Looking forward to Halloween

Savannah is so excited to be Rapunzel for Halloween

Hunter getting dressed up in his Halloween onesie

Savannah helped me get out the Halloween decorations
If the weather holds out today we will go back for more Fall festivities.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

3 Months Old

Hunter is currently 3 months old and is growing up so fast. He is drinking more formula lately and I'm trying to keep up with all the diapers, wipes and baby formula. It has me a bit concerned. At his last doctor's appointment he weighed in at 12.8 pounds and is in the 25th percentile for growth. He has good head control and received all his vaccination shots. He isn't sleeping entirely through the night yet but next month we can start feeding him baby cereal. He is smiling more at people and is starting to make more cooing noises. He has absolutely stolen our hearts.We love this little guy so much!!