Blog Archive

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ten on Thursday

1. I haven't written a Ten for Tuesday for about 3 weeks. Sorry! I'm always crazy busy and need to catch up on things.

2. I took Savannah in for her 1 year doctor appointment. She is very healthy and currently weighing in at 18 pounds. The doctor said she didn't gain a lot of weight and will need to feed her less milk and more food. She seems content and continue to feed her table food. Apparently I need to feed her bigger porportions. She really didn't like the shots at the end. She is totally attached to mom right now and seems to shoving everyone away from her. I hope she grows out of the phase.

3. My best friend Lena was married in the Chicago temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and we took pictures afterwards.

The reception was very low key and we enjoyed a nice lunch catered from Potbelly's. Afterwards we came home and ran some last minute errands. I was exhausted after it was all over.

4. I had a presidency meeting last week and we had our home teachers come over. The missionaries came over last Sunday and we watched the Blackhawks win the big game. We are headed to the Stanley Cup Finals! This is the first time I have ever seen them get this far along and even though I'm not a hockey fan it is still exciting to have our home team be in the finals.

5. Sarah finished her finals early and offically completed the 9th grade. Summer vacation has offically started. She wants to take private driving school lessons this summer. We are going to have her watch Savannah for us in return.

6. Frankie is finishing up 8th grade next week and we will be attending his graduation on June 4th.

7. I took Savannah to JcPenny's for her 1 year photo. She was having a hard time sitting still and was such a handful that we had to end the shoot early. I did get a few good pictures. Apparently I screwed up on the times because I switched my appointment. Luckily they were able to get us in for around the same time. The photographer wanted me to sign a consent form and if Savannah's picture is picked than it will be displayed in the store.

8. Afterwards we headed over to my friends baby shower. It was a lot of fun! It's make me want another baby. My daughter on the other hand was a handful and getting into everything she shouldn't have. I think she was sleep deprieved and more cranky than usual.

9. We found out this week that our stake president has some kind of blood cancer and is undergoing some serious chemo treatments and is very ill. It was hust awful news and we hope he will pull through ok. My heart goes out to him and his family.

10. The kids are going over to their mother's house this weekend and we are attending a BBQ for Memorial Day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

12 Months Old

Savannah just went in for her doctor visit on Wednesday. Her weight gain slowed down and she is currently 18 pounds and 29 3/4 inches long. She is very healthy and active as always. She thinks she can do anything and is very determined to get her hands onto it. She loves playing peek a boo and copys everything you are doing. She loves being with mom in the kitchen. She loves to laugh and giggles all the time. She loves to run away from Frankie. She warms my heart everytime I see her! She truly is the love of my life and I can't imagine my life without her.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chicago Temple

My best friend Lena was married today in the Chicago Temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and this was Savannah's first time to our temple.
Future temple recommend holder

I love spending time with my baby

Daddy did a great job watching Savannah

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Eleven for the Week

1. Frankie participated in a service project to earn money for scout camp. He did the aeration project two weeks in a row. It was hard work but he raised the money he needed to cover the costs of camp this year.

2. We went to a fireside for the youth and parents to go over Youth Conference. They are doing a wilderness youth conference near Wisconsin Dells. They will be repelling, rock climbing, canoeing, night hike, kayaking, and mountain biking. It sounds like a ton of fun!

3. I attended a baby shower for my friend at church. She too is having a little girl so I was able to donate some unused items to her that I never had the chance to use for Savannah.

4. Frank and I left for the Spring Fling in Nashville, TN. I missed most of the whole event due to the baby being with us. We stayed in the Opryland Hotel and really enjoyed our visit. It rained all day long on Saturday and Sunday and the hotel flooded and had to be evacuated. Luckily we had left before this all occurred. Unforunately for us we couldn't get out of Nashville. The area received 13 inches of rain and flooded all the roads. Every main road was closed and Frank drove down MANY backroads and some how found a way out. It was just awful and we were all very stressed out. All the hotels were sold out and I thought we might have to sleep in our car over night. Luckily around 1:30am we came across a hotel that had an open room. We caught some sleep and than headed over to Arkansas.

5. It turns out we were almost out of the nightmare that we were trapped in all night long. We were about 30 minutes outside the flooded areas. We lost a day at Lara's house but were happy to have finally arrive in NW Arkansas.

6. Lara and I made two cakes for the birthday party. We made an elmo cake for Savannah. The cake looked awesome and I was very proud of myself. It was a lot for work for my one year old! My mom helped cook the other cake however we were rushing and forgot to add a few items to the cake and had to start all over.

7. My parents decided to leave the next day to allow the flood waters to go down some more. We ran a few errands during the day and allowed the kids to stay up for the grandparents to arrive. We gave them baths at the rental house and rushed them off to bed. It was a very long day!

8. Craig and his family arrived on Wednesday around dinner time and we were getting ready to head down to the park to enjoy a nice bbq. The kids had a great time and the party was an overall success. We made homemade ice cream and had to make a second trip back to the house to pick up the second cake (forgot). It was great getting to see Kaitlyn for the 1st time. It's been a long time since we have all been together.

9. We went to the Wilderness Animal Safari and had a picnic lunch. The kids loved seeing the animals. Some of the larger animals scared Kaitlyn when they came up to the vehicle. We were able to hold a baby monkey and we all took turns holding a snake around our necks. That was a cool experience!

10. Lara took the kids over to Tanyard Creek and we took photos at the waterfall. That evening we attended a minor league baseball game. It was a slaughter game but still enjoyable to watch. We took the young kids home early. We went to a craft fair and looked around. Frank and I headed home to get Frank back to work for Saturday morning.

11. Lara and Landon ran in a 5k race and Logan and I ran in a 1k fun race. I had no training and was outrun by a five year old. I was struggling to keep up with the kids. I'm really out of shape. It was an overall good experience and I was proud of my family!

Happy Birthday Savannah

Savannah celebrated her 1st birthday in Bella Vista, Arkansas with the famly. Frank and I drove down to Nashville, TN for a WFG event the weekend before and than once we escaped the flood waters we drove over to Lara's house. It was a nightmare getting out of Tennessee and it made for a very long drove. We met up with our parents the very next day and than Craig joined us on Wednesday. This was our first time seeing Craig in several years. It was great getting to finally meet Kaitlyn. Lara and I made an elmo cake for Savannah and it turned out great. We had a bbq at Metfield park. We had to wait for Craig and the family to arrive. Lara invited a few of her friends over to celebrate with us. The kids played in the park and went mini golfing. We did a water balloon toss and let the kids throw any remaining balloons at each other. Savannah loved her cake and was a complete mess afterwards. It was a lot of hard work but all worth it in the end. I can't believe my baby is a year old! She is starting to balance on her own and I know she will be walking soon. She loves playing copy cat and peek a boo. She recently started climbing up stairs. She is my little angel and I'm so grateful for the time that we have shared together.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gaylord Opryland

Savannah in front of our hotel

The Riverwalk
One Happy Family

My baby has her own store

On an afternoon stroll through the hotel

The beautiful scenery

This was the waterfall outside our balcony