Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. I started off the week by cleaning, laundry, packing, and running errands in preparation for our trip down to Tennessee.

2. I went in for radiation on Wednesday morning and than we packed up the car and headed out down south to a warmer climate. Savannah did a great job in the car again. She is such a good little traveler. We took a slightly different route than usual and got a little lost. I missed the street sign that we were looking for in the dark. We added an extra 30 minutes onto our journey trying to locate grandma's house. Luckily we had our GPS in the car.

3. Frank did some last minute shopping and the girls stayed behind to bake some Christmas cookies and sour cream twists. We watched "The Nativity Story" and than Savannah opened up her Christmas pj's and than we headed to bed.

4. The very next morning we woke up around 7am and than we opened up presents and than we ate breakfast. Savannah didn't open up any gifts but really enjoyed playing in all the wrapping paper and boxes. Afterwards the girls headed out to watch the Blind Side and than came home and had a nice Christmas dinner. Savannah joined us at the table and tried mashed potatoes for the very first time. We watched the "March of the Toy Wooden Soldier" and played games.

5. The next day us girls headed out to the mall for more shopping. We took advantage of all the store clearances. I did some Christmas shopping for the kids and than we stopped by O'Charley's for lunch.

6. We came back home and Jenny and the boys went to see the movie "Avatar". They took longer than we had expected and mom and I were at home waiting to eat dinner. We eventually reunited and than we headed back out to the Bristol Motor Speedway for a Christmas lights display. It was a long wait but worth it in the end. Frank and Dad stayed home and made pens together.

7. On Christmas evening we were playing Mexican Train and Jenny was watching the baby when the cat attacked Savannah. Apparently she was grabbing at his tail and he didn't like this and scratched her face. The kid is alright now and healing from her attack.

8. On Sunday we packed up the car and than we headed out to church. Frank and I left after sacrament meeting. I forgot we packed the diaper bag in my car and Frank was running late to church. I was hoping he would show up soon before Savannah had a meltdown and he did. That would have gotten pretty ugly if he hadn't shown up any later. We said our goodbyes and than we headed home. I realized right before we left that my car keys were missing. I searched everywhere for my keys and discovered that my mother had them in her coat pocket. I now am waiting for them to arrive in the mail.

9. The car ride home was pretty nice until we hit Indiana which is where it was starting to lightly snow and the roads were getting slick. Thankfully we got home safely it just took us a little longer getting home.

10. Apparently the set of keys that I had made the night prior to us leaving didn't work and our poor cat starved all week long. He was light as a feather when we returned back home and pretty hungry but he is now recovering from his tramatic event.

11. I finished up with my radiation treatments today. Hooray!!! I found Savannah eating a dead cricket that she had found on the floor that I hadn't had time to pick up yet. Luckily I was able to retrieve most of the cricket from her mouth.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bristol Motor Speedway

This year we drove over to the Bristol Motor Speedway for a Christmas Lights display. We had a long wait but it was worth it in the end. Here are a few things that we saw...

Christmas 2009

Savannah opened up a gift on Christmas Eve which turned out to be her Christmas outfit for the very next morning. She was more interested in the bow.
Grandpa Nichols, Frank, and Savannah
enjoying a Christmas movie together.

Savannah modeling off her new Christmas outfit.

Christmas Morning

Savannah getting excited about opening up her gifts.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Genetic Testing

Today I had a consultation with a medical doctor who explained how the genetic testing all works. She took a blood sample and will ship it off to Salt Lake City for testing. It is a very expensive test however I'm hoping that the health insurance will cover most of the cost. I already met my deductible and will have them call me first and let me know of any out of pocket costs. If I decide not to go through with the testing than they will just throw away my blood sample. If I do decide that I can afford the testing than it will take 6 weeks to get the results back. The doctor did recommend it not because of a family history but because of my age. She thinks it was probably a sporadiac case of cancer in our family. I will let everyone know what the final results are from the BracAnalysis.

Ten on Tuesday

1. I went in for another Herception treatment on Wednesday. It was really good to see all the nurses again. The appointment went well and I got a doctor's release back to work on Jan 4th.

2. I went out to lunch with my visitng teacher to La Magdalena's. They have really good Mexican food.

3. Savannah and I went to pick up the kids on Friday evening. The kids were really excited about coming over.

4. I took the kids sledding for about 30 minutes and than they decided they were all done.

5. I went to the RS Christmas dinner and we made Christmas ornaments. The refreshments were delicious and I had a good time visiting with people. I don't get to do this too much now that I'm in Primary.

6. The family went to an open house/baby shower to wish the Waldron's off. They are expecting their 1st baby on Valentine's Day and want to live closer to family. It was nice to see everyone again from the old ward.

7. Frank was sick all week with a sore throat. He missed several days of work and is still trying to get everything setup like a phone systems, etc...All the office furniture is already move in.

8. Frank missed church and I had a radiation appointment in the morning. I drove the kids to church and we enjoyed some wonderful Christmas music. During Primary I forgot to bring back the Primary binderand I couldn't take attendance or assign talks out. I had to run back home and just barely had enough time to get the assignments out for the following week in Jr Primary. I finished updating all the forms and we handed out new cd's and candy canes to all the Primary children.

9. Sabrina and the kids came over for a nice visit on Sunday. We had dinner together and we were visited by a Secret Santa. He was from the ward however I don't know who he was. He dropped off popcorn, hot chocolate, and fancy chocolates. The kids all received about 3-4 gifts each. We allowed the kids to open up their gifts since we won't be together for Christmas this year. The kids will be with their mother this year.

10 We are getting all ready to leave tomorrow to drive down to TN to spend Christmas with my folks. We are busy cleaning, laundry, running errands and packing. I'm still trying to wrap up Christmas shopping. Thanks for all the Christmas cards everyone!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Bad Baby

Savannah is crawling now and this was the first thing she found.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Time is Here Again

Savannah helped mommy decorate our mini Christmas tree this year. Okay well maybe she just sucked on the ornaments.

Poor Baby

Savannah got her 1st boo boo on her forehead.
I have no idea how she injured herself.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. Frank moved into his new office in East Dundee. We moved in furniture and I helped unpack boxes and hung pictures on the wall.

2. We had a Christmas party on Saturday night with Frank's whole team. The food arrived late but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves once the party got started. He also held a planning session for his team for 2010. We hope to have a great year in the business!

3. I started my radiation appointments at 7 o'clock in the morning this week to help with babysitting Savannah. I now get home in time for Frank to head out to work. My days of sleeping in are all gone.

4. Only 9 more radiation treatments to go...Yippe!

5. Still trying to get Christmas shopping done...We leave next week for TN for Christmas

6. I had a presidency meeting on Sunday. We discussed the new agenda for Primary in 2010. I have been assigned to do the July quaterly activity. I have no idea what I am doing??? I have also been working on getting all the rosters updated.

7. I worked mostly all week on Frank's audit. I had to scan in all of the client files into a computer system. This was a ton of work. I'm happy to have it all completed. The audit seemed to go well yesterday.

8. For all of you who don't already know, Frankie ran away from him mom's house and was re-united with us late last night. We are happy to have him back home with us were he is safe and sound. He will be staying with us for now.

9. I went to playgroup at the church.

10. I went over to a friends house for dinner and than spent time just catching up on life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. I began my radiation treatments a week ago and have only 14 more to go. Yeah!!!

2. I went to playgroup at the church and visited with some friends.

3. The kids came over for the weekend and Sarah and I attended a Tupperware party. I didn't purchase anything on the spot but want to go back to purchase the Fridgesavers. They keep your fruits and vegetables much longer.

4. We went as a family to the ward Christmas party. It was a blast! We had a nice potluck dinner and the Primary kids sang a few songs. The kids all sat on Santa's lap and took photos. Savannah did a great job and just loved pulling on Santa's beard. They also had an orchestra/band concert and the choir sang a few songs. I would have liked to have participated in the program but I apparently missed the announcement in church.

5. Sarah took off to the Baker's house for a movie night. She had a great time spending time with her friends.

6. Frank and Frankie went home teaching on Sunday. We had FHE and than the kids went back home.

7. I went in for an ECHO today and I nearly missed the appointment. I woke up late and noticed that I had a 9am appointment scheduled. I had about a 30 minute commute in the snow and that only left 10 minutes to get ready. I literally went in my pj's and I barely had time to change the baby and put her in her car seat. We made it safely and was only 5 minutes late. The appointment went well and all the nurses were fawning over Savannah.

8. I headed over to get my allergy shots and than stopped at a friend's house for a quick visit. I than ran home and picked up a few things and than went to get another round of radiation. The nurses were nice and watched Savannah for me since I failed to get a babysitter. Oops!

9. I went and got an oil change and I was told by the mechanic that I needed another $700 in car repairs. Figures!

10. I helped Frank get ready for an audit coming up next week. Frank is also doing a job fair today and we are looking forward to moving into our new office in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Savannah having fun in a box

Friday, December 4, 2009

Seven Months Old

Savannah turned 7 months old today. She is getting so big, holding her own bottle and starting to army crawl. She will be crawling anyday now. She is such an active baby and seems very determined when she wants something. Just check out the video below.
Savannah is already for Christmas

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

One Happy Baby

A friend from church picked this exersaucer up from a garage sale for only $2.50. She gave it to Savannah as a gift. She is loving her new toy.

Ten for Tuesday

1. Today I begin radiation therapy. I have to go in for a dry run first than they will proceed with radiation. I'm thrilled to know that I will be done with radiation therapy by December 29th. I have a total of 20 treatments in all.

2. I went in for simulation at St. Alexius Hospital. The doctor explained the radiation process, Cat scan, and pinpointed some marks on my chest.

3. My doctor's office moved to Crystal Lake and they were packed full of patients due to the holiday week. I really liked the new office and went in for another Herceptin treatment. I will finish up with this treatment in August 2010.

4. I went to pick up the children on Tuesday evening for the holiday weekend.

5. We celebrated Thanksgiving this year at our house. We had several family members come over to eat dinner. The turkey this year was a little bit on the dryside and the duck turned out alright.

6. I saw a house fire this week while driving to pick up the kids. It was pretty intense but it looks like the house was only partially damaged.

7. Frank and I helped a friend this week by providing him a place to sleep. He is having martial problems. We celebrated his birthday on Sunday. I baked him a chocolate cake and we enjoyed some ice cream. This was a last minute party so we had to go with what we had in the house.

8. The home teachers came over on Sunday. We had a good visit and enjoyed some homemade banana bread.

9. Frank is getting ready to move his office to East Dundee. We had to pack up all of his office furniture and move it to a temporary storage location. Frank will be moving into his new office on December 15th.

10. I took Savannah in for her 6 month Christmas photo. The pictures turned out great and I also went and did a little shopping for me. I still have a few more pounds to lose from having the baby. I purchased a couple of new sweaters.