Blog Archive

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dolphin's Cove

We spent the entire day at the Dolphin's Cove pool. Savannah had a great time playing with her friends. She loved playing in the sand play area and didn't want to leave to the end of the day.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hospital Visit

Savannah came to visit me in the hospital before I had the baby. She was able to dress up in scrubs and had an opportunity to be doctor for a day. She was all ready to help the doctor's deliver mommy's baby. She was very cute!!

My Little Puddle Jumper

Savannah just loves jumping in puddles

Future Ice Skater

In the month of June we had Birthday Sunday on Father's Day. We all met over at Leaf's Hockey Center and the kids had an opportunity to skate around on the ice for an hour before dinner was served. We came late because it was on Sunday and we weren't going to pay to skate around on the ice. Auntie Denise was nice enough to take Savannah around for a few minutes. Poor baby wasn't dressed for the ice rink, luckily I had a  jacket in the car. She didn't mind the cold and had fun learning how to skate.

Sarah's HS graduation

On May 15th Sarah graduated from McHenry West Campus High School. We are so proud of her!!

I love my cousins

Auntie Lara and Hunter

Auntie Lara, Hunter, Leah, and Savannah

Leah, Savannah and Hunter

Auntie Amy, and Leilani

Savannah, Leah, and Leilani

The whole gang

Logan and Hunter

Leilani and Hunter

Auntie Lara dropped in with the kids for a short visit. She had been traveling on the road for about 3 week. It was fun to see everyone again! We had a full house and it was a bit chaotic around here. The cousins all had fun meeting their newest baby cousin Hunter. Savannah had a blast playing with Leah. She even started crying once she left to go back home. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sisterly Love

I have to admit right before the baby arrived Savannah was acting crazy jealous and not always saying the nicest things about the new baby coming. She didn't want the new baby to move into her princess room and was worried the baby would touch her toys. She was showing some aggressive towards him while he was  still in the womb. I was a little freaked out. On the other hand I knew Savannah has a very loving, tender and kind heart. I knew she would make for a great big sister. I wasn't sure who she would became once the baby arrived. It turns out she is absolutely in love with this new little guy. She loves being a big sister and was uber excited when he came home from the hospital. She was almost smothering me and the new baby. She always wants to hold him, feed him, burp him and help give him sponge baths. I told her when he gets a little bit bigger she gets to teach him how to do all kinds of new stuff. She wants him to do it with him now and I have to keep reminding her that he is just a newborn. 
I absolutely love being a mother of these two beautiful children!!
I'm still dreading taking both children outside at once.
Both of my newborn babies are so easy to take care of and I couldn't be more blessed in my life!

Hunter already had his first doctor's appointment this week. He is a healthy baby boy and only lost 1 ounce. Funny story when he was first born in the hospital before the umbilical cord was cut he peed all over mommy. He was pooping and peeing like crazy in the hospital and is back to normal now that we are back at home. He must have peed on the nurses at least once or twice and Frank and I both were baptized in it. He also peed right before we left the hospital. He shot pee over the little bassinet and onto the floor just barely missing the bed. We had to clean it up with a towel before we could leave the hospital. How embarrassing!! The joys of having a little boy.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Donley's Wild West Town

Riding the Carousel

Giddy up horsey
Hand Powered Scooter
Look at me go mommy

Learning how to use a bow and arrow
Petting zoo

Pony Rides

Taking a little stroll

Canoe Ride

Panning for Gold

Train Ride with the Scheele's

Choo Choo

Playing at the Park

1st Roller Coaster Ride
Shooting Gun Range

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Our Newest Arrival

On Monday morning I was scheduled to report to the new Alexian Brothers Woman and Children's hospital at 6:30 am. They started my IV and bag of pitocin and broke my water around 11 am. I was already dilated to 4cm when I arrived to the hospital and things were off to a good start. When I reached 5cm things slowed down and I didn't seem to be progressing very fast. I continued having steady contractions. The doctor and nurses offered me pain medications and an epidural but I didn't want anything. Going into my induction my doctor advised me things would progress quickly seeing how it was my 2nd baby and it wouldn't take longer than 8 hours to have our son. Boy was she ever wrong! This little was still positioned very high up and just didn't want to come down until he was ready. I tried everything from getting up and walking in place, swaying back and forth and even bouncing up and down, rocking back in forth in my hospital bed, laying on different sides for approx 30 minutes. At one point the nurse turned down the pitocin because my body had gotten used to it. She eventually turned it back up and that is when things really started to progress. Little did I know that she had done that and I started to feel the baby move down a little bit. The contractions started getting stronger and mommy started feeling icky. I asked for the epidural which was the worst part. Everything went well with the epidural although I started crying because I absolutely hate needles and the nurse thought something was wrong with me. Finally it was all over and I was completely numb. I was hoping to have the baby on the Leilani's 1st birthday but that didn't happen. I tried to take a nap and around 1am I started pushing. My 1st attempt was pathetic and terrible. I was tired and couldn't feel my legs. It made it hard to know how to push down but after only a few pushes he was born. Immediately after he was born the nurse noticed that he was peeing all over me while the umbilical was still attached. Frank cut the cord and they cleaned up the baby and examined him in the same room with me. His check up went great and there was my healthy baby boy. I was so tired and exhausted afterwards. I literally hadn't had anything to eat all day long and was starving by 3am. I sent Frank out on a food run and I couldn't wait to eat my Steak and Shake burger and fries. 

Hunter Matthew Schoen
June 18th, 2013
born 1:32am
7 lbs 10 oz and 20 3/4 inches long