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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Recovery Time

Well after a very long day at the hospital I'm finally home. I went into the hospital around 6:30am and the doctors ran every test under the sun on me. I had a little bit of wait time but it was nice to have my parents and in laws there to love and support me. The surgery went very well and the baby just slept with me through most of the surgery. The nurse told me they all had a good laugh when the baby kicked the surgeon while he was operating on me. It took me awhile to come out of surgery and the procedure took a bit longer than expected. Orginally they measured the tumor as 7mm but it actually was 3 cm. The lymph node was clean however they will continue to run more tests to make 100% that I'm clean. I'm worried now about having to undergo chemo therapy now. I will at least have to go through radiation treatments for 6-8 weeks. The babies heart beat did dropped down right after I came out of surgery and than went back up. She was probably feeling the after effects of me having gone through the surgery. The baby doctor took me up to labor and delivery and wanted to just monitor the baby for additional 2 hours. It turned out to be more like 4 hours. My baby doctor had to deliver a baby in the next room over. While I was trying to rest they did another ultrasound on the baby. That was very cool to see the baby at full term and to get a chance to share that with my parents. The doctor told me she was doing great and let me go home. I have another appointment on Monday and they will wait until the baby comes naturally. I'm hoping she can stay in my belly for a few more days so that I can recover from my surgery. They will probably induce me if she doesn't come by May 3rd. I'm offically 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow.


Terri Griffith said...

I'm glad the surgery went well. I wish I could get an ultrasound now that I am almost full term. that would be amazing to see!

Julie/Mom said...

Good to hear that the surgery went so well. I am praying that you will recover quickly and that the baby will come soon. love ya.

Terri Frazier said...

Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about you all day and was praying everything would go well! So glad to hear it did! Love and prayers still coming your way!!

Koa said...

Sounds like things have gone as well as can be expected thus far, hope it continues that way and you can relax and enjoy your birth and newborn.