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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Medical Update

I have my breast cancer surgery scheduled for April 25th at 10:45am cst.
I am supposed to report to the hospital tomorrow morning at 6:30am for some prep work. They will need to do another ultrasound to pinpoint the location of the lump and do some blood work to test for infections, etc...They will monitor the baby very closely and will do an emrgency C section if the baby goes into distress. I really hope this doesn't happen because I want to be awake for the birth of my own child. I'm hoping that she will just sleep through the procedure and that she comes out a few days later on her own terms. I will be leaving the hospital in the afternoon and will have a short recovery time. My baby doctor will be on call at the hospital tomorrow just in case of a quick delivery. I'm really hoping that the cancer hasn't spread and that I can just do the lumpectomy and just finish with some radiation treatment. Wish me luck! I appreciate that all of you prayers.