Blog Archive

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. I attended Enrichment night for the first time in several years. It was nice to visit with my church friends. I arrived a few minutes late and had to leave early. We learned about how to reduce stress in our lives.

2. On Friday night my two friends Mike and Heather got engaged. They pulled a trick on Heather and my husband called her and pretended that I was going into labor. The story was that Frank was an hour away on an appointment and he needed Heather to come over to comfort me until he could make it home. She rushed over to my aid and I went outside by the pond for some fresh air. Her boyfriend came up behind her and proposed to her. The whole night was a success and she was surprised.

3. On Saturday morning I went into work for the last time before I go on maturnity leave. Work was very slow and boring. My last day of work will be on April 23rd. I can hardly wait to have a break.

4. Afterwards I headed home and stopped off at Target to pick up a birthday gift for baby Ricardo Jr. I rushed home and grabbed a quick bit to eat and wrapped the gift and than left to pick up Frank to head out to the party.

5. Frank and I took Frankie over to the party which was being held at a park. We got a little lost but we eventually arrived there. The party started late because everyone else was running late. The food arrived and they had a nice cook out. The food was so delicious. I must have over eaten that day. I just couldn't get enough good food. We had cake and than we went home. Frank had to leave early to go back to work so his dad dropped us off back home.

6. Sarah spent the night over at her friend's house for her 14th birthday party. She missed the party but rejoined us the following evening. We made it home late from the birthday party and I went to the Gold and Green Ball at the stake center. I couldn't do any dancing but did manage to dance to a few slow songs with my husband who arrived an hour later.

7. I went to the doctor to have a breast biopsy. The procedure went very well and I will get the results back in a couple of days. The radiologist thinks I have a benign fibroid. I have an appointment with a breast surgeon on Thursday. I hope all is well and that I can put this experience behind me soon.

8. I went on another appointment to the baby doctor. I'm still holding steady at 1 cenimeters and 70% effaced. I have been having some minor contractions and hope to deliver the baby soon. I'm definately getting more uncomfortable and nervous at the same time. I have been very emotional all week long. I guess this is normal????

9. I was released from being a temple worker this week.

10. I continue to put the final touches on the babies room and geting all the last minute tasks accomplished before the baby arrives. I took the day off so that I could run my doctor appointments.

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