Blog Archive

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Monkey Joe's

Today I decided to take Savannah over to Monkey Joe's. She was really tired this afternoon when I went to pick her up from the babysitters house. She fell asleep on the car ride over. She only napped for about 30 minutes. When I stopped the car she woke up and knew we had reached our destination. She had wanted to go all day long and was really looking foward to it. She refused to wear a wrist band that was required to be worn in the facility. I made her wear it on her wrist and she tried ripping it off. The lady gave her a new band and taped it to her back. She felt the band get placed on her back and started throwing a huge tantrum. I insisted she wear it per company policy. I even tried moving it  up higher on her back so she couldn't reach it. I watched her throw a tantrum for about 20 minutes, huge tears and lots of pouting. I tried ignoring her and thought she would get over it. Nope I was wrong little miss stubborn pants refused to quit making a scene. Several parents and kids came up to her trying to see if she was alright. Finally this one mom came over and told me to just take off the tag even if it was against the rules. I was reluctant  to do so at first. We did come to have some fun and I didn't want to waste my money so I proceeded to remove the sticker off of her back. Savannah immediately started to calm down and went about having fun in all the bouncy houses. She loved this place to death  and played for a solid two hours straight. She has no fear!!!

                                                                   Pure Excitement

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