Blog Archive

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ten on Thursday

1. I took last Friday off from work to run several doctor appointments. I went in for a mammography and ended up getting an ultrasound as well. I was running late for my second appointment. I had my Herception treatment and than went home. It was a full day of doctors. The doctor did say that my test results looked good. I will go back in 6 months to do it all over again. I have eight more treatments to go.

2. I came home and relieved Frankie from his babysitting duties. He had a good time at his mother's house.

3. My friend Wendy came over to sleepover and watch Savannah for me the very next morning. I changed Savannah's diaper on Frankie's bed and I didn't put her diaper back on immediately and she accidently peed on his bed. Luckily I had a waterproof pad underneath his sheets. I had to wash the bedding so that my friend could borrow his bed.

4. I work my overtime as usual and my friend Wendy had taken Savannah over to a friends house with her. She kept her the whole rest of the day. It was nice to have the next five hours off. I forgot what that felt like to have time to myself. I managed to get a ton of things done.

5. I called Comed to straigthen out several different issues I was having with my account. Apparently I had been paying Frank's business account instead of my own online. He recently added himself to my online billpay system and I kept paying his office bill. I wondered why they kept telling me that I hadn't made a pymt since Dec 15???? I now have a past due balance. I'm expecting our income tax refund tomorrow so I will get that paid immediately.

6. The cat managed to either spray or peed on some baby books that I was storing underneath the baby's crib. The house stunk like mad...I was very upset that Cody did this and I'm not sure why but I have since than cleaned up what I could. I need to go to the pet store to try get some more spray to take away the smell. I'm upset that my brand new books were ruined. I tried to salvage what I could. I hope he doesn't do it again otherwise we might have to trade him in for another cat. I know we neutered him so why is he doing this??? Any thoughts

7. I took Frankie to Scouts on Wednesday evening. They played laser tag outside while it started to downpour snow. The boys came back inside all wet. Afterwards they played a quick game of basketball. I ran down to the store to pick up some more baby food and cat litter.

8. We had stake conference on Sunday. I really enjoyed the talk about Marriage and what you should and shouldn't be doing. I picked up some great food for thought.

9. Frank couldn't watch Savannah for me on Monday & Wednesday so I dropped her off at the babysitters. She seemed to really enjoy playing with the little kids. She didn't want to leave and was very sad. She is cutting 4 teeth this month and the fifth one shortly on it's way.

10. Frank has been working like a dog lately and I haven't seen him all week long. I hope he is making lots of money.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Sometimes cats pee outside their litter box for medical reasons and sometimes behavioral reasons. If it keeps happening I would get him check out at the vet.