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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ten for the Week

1. This week has been another busy week for our family. I'm just now getting a chance to write my ten for the week.

2. The groundhog saw his shadow this week another 6 weeks of winter...yippee!

3. Frankie turned 14 years old this week and we took him out to dinner to Chili's. Afterwards we came back home and had a piece of his giant chocolate chip cookie and ice cream. I failed to make him a cake this year. He is not a big fan of cake and I thought I would just do something different for his party. It was only Frank and I and Savannah went to bed before the party begun.

4. I had to make three dozen sugar cookies for the Primary activity on Friday evening. I was up late needless to say making cookies.

5. The next day I came home from work and was waiting for the babysitter to arrive so I could leave for my Primary activity. She was running late and Frankie was leaving to go over to his mother's house. I ended up arriving about 30 minutes late to the church. I helped decorate the Valentine Day cookies with the kids. I was very disappointed that all my hard work was for nothing. Apparently they had too many cookies and I had to bring them all home again with me. I wish I would have known that ahead of time before I wasted my time. Frank was grateful he gets to eat them all.

6. My friend Wendy spent the night on Friday evening and than I went in for overtime today and she helped watch Savannah for me. She was a great babysitter and will be helping me out on the weekends that I have to work my overtime hours.

7. I went through and cleaned out Savannah's closet and drawers today. I took down the clothes that she has outgrown and put them away. I spent most of the day cleaning and dealing with a fuzzy kid.

8. Savannah got her 1st tooth this week. The tooth is still trying to cut through her gum...Needless to say she has been more cranky & clingy this week.

9. Our friend Mike came over tonight to watch the movie " The Invention fo Lying". It seems to be a very strange movie. Would not recommend!

10. Looking forward to filing our taxes soon....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what she has a tooth...she's getting way too big!