Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eleven on Tuesday

1. I went in for my 6th chemo treatment. I'm happy to report that I'm half way through my second round of treatments. I getting more and more excited every week. I can't wait until all this is over. I'm still not having any side effects.

2. I took Savannah in for her 4 month check up with doctor Rosewell. She told me that she grew an inch and gained another 3 pounds. She is currently 13 almost 14 pounds and 24 inches long. She is doing a good job playing with her toys. Savannah is doing well sitting up with assistance and holding her own neck. She is moving around a lot now and constantly flipping over. She tends to get a little fustrated on her belly and hasn't learned quite yet how to turn herself back over. She is officially 5 months old.

3. We switched weekends with Joy and we had the kids again this weekend.

4. Sarah was a little bummed she couldn't go over to the Baker's house for general conference and to visit with her friends. She was in trouble for getting a couple of bad grades in school. She doesn't seem to be liking High School this year.

5. Frank's car needed a brake job so I took the car over to a friends house to help us save on money. He replaced them as a favor to us. I was very appreciative for all of his hard work.

6. On the way home even though it was cold and rainy outside Sarah decided to roll the window down in Frank's car and the motor died so the window got stuck. I had to try to keep the baby warm and drive all the way back home. I was not happy about.

7. We had to keep the rain out of the car for a couple of days and hope that the car didn't get stolen. Frank had to take the door apart and disconnect the motor and manually pull thc e window back up. We will eventually have to replace the window motor.

8. Sarah and I went over to my friends house for her daughters 12th birthday party. We enjoyed some Asian food and had a good time.

9. We went over to Wendy's house to eat dinner and to watch Dance Flick. The movie was funny however very raunchy at times. I did however learn how to cook lemon chicken.

10. We watched general conference and really enjoyed all of the talks.

11. I went to the dentist and learned that I broke a piece off of my temporary crown. I have to go back next Monday to have it repaired. I also lost part of another tooth which needs a partial filling. I wondered why food kept getting stuck in between my gums. Ouch!!!

1 comment:

Lara said...

Talk about a busy week.