Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. I completed chemo treatment #4 and I only have a few more weeks until I'm all finished with that portion of my treatments.

2. I went to see my breast surgeon to do another breast exam. I had a small medical concern posed to me by my chemo doctor. He wanted me to have it checked out. My breast surgeon ordered up an ultrasound and I went to the hospital and found out it was nothing. The medical doctor at the hospital didn't find any more cancer which was a relief.

3. I attended a Pampered Chef party on Thursday night. I really enjoyed getting together with my friends from the old ward.

4. On Sunday we held our primary rehearsal for next Sunday's performance. It was long and the kids did a great job. I'm looking forward to the big event!

5. I had a presidency meeting to discuss the needs of our Primary.

6. Frank and I took Savannah to the pumpkin patch this weekend. We had a great time and the weather was perfect. We enjoyed some hot apple cider and we came away with
an apple pie that was to die for...yummy

7. Frank and I drove over to a friends house for dinner. My friend Devin gave us an exersauer for the baby. She also had a cute pumpkin costume that she loaned to me for Halloween.

8. I have a new visiting teacher and she will by stopping tonight.

9. The weather has been very nice this week.

10. We had our home teacher come over for a visit. He is wonderful and we love having a steady home teacher since we hadn't had one for awhile.

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