Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twelve for Tuesday

1. I decided to switch from AT&T to Comcast to save some money on our phone bill and it accidently disconnected our internet service. I had Comcast come out to setup the phone and modem service. They mailed out the install kit in the mail and it arrived yesterday. Frank and I had to purchase a wireless router to make it all work together. I wasn't too happy about that but didn't want to go without the internet any longer. I have been having to go down to the office everyday to check my e-mails, etc

2. Frank and I went to the Summer Sizzler for WFG. The speakers were amazing and it was really good. The baby joined us and did a great job but was up too late and became a little fuzzy towards the end of the conference.

3. I had my 9th and 10th cancer treatments and all went well with that. I have been feeling much better this time around and still no side effects to report yet.

4. Frank went to a Tom Hopkins sales training seminar in San Jose. He stayed with Aunt Julie for a few days. It's nice to have family to count on when in a pinch. Frank rented a car and just commuted back and forth.

5. The day of the flight I was running a few minutes behind schedule. I went to fill up the car with gas and realized that I forgot my purse at home so I had to back track. Afterwards I stopped by the bank and arrived to the office 10 minutes late. We were already leaving late and I somehow killed the battery in Frank's car. We had to jump start the car. We rushed down to the airport and just barely made it. Frank was able to catch his flight. He had to throw out his hair and shave gel. He got a little lost driving in a new state. I was happy to hear that he eventually made it to Aunt Julie's house.

6. Afterwards I was meeting up with a friend Jackie at the Woodfield Mall. I had to drive back to Frank's office to pick up the baby stroller. When I arrived I heard music playing in my car and was shocked to see the car was running for two hours with the keys in the ignition unlocked. I could have killed my husband for forgetting to turn off my car. I was very lucky that I went back otherwise I would have never known my car was still running. I'm grateful that no one stole my car.

7. I went out to lunch to P.F. Chang's and than did a little shopping. I purchased Savannah some new clothes at Jc Penny's.

8. Today is our three year wedding anniversary. Frank has to work all day long so we are going to celebrate it this weekend.

9. Looking forward to going out to Idaho tomorrow for a family vacation. I'm a little nervous to travel with the baby. I'm excited to reconnect with family.

10. The kids came over this weekend and we had a great time with together. On Saturday I took Sarah to get a hair cut and we ran some errands together. Afterwards the kids went swimming with Mike and Heather. We fired up the grill and cooked some steaks and had a wonderful dinner together. We rented a Redbox movie "17 Again". I fell asleep after the first 5 minutes. I was exhausted from getting up early with the baby. The movie I heard was good. I will have to rent it again when I am more awake.

11. We had stake conference and than I had to drive the kids home early. They weren't too happy with me. I took the baby over to a friends house to watch for a few hours. I went to pick up Frank from the airport.

12. I'm excited to hear that Barbara and Gary purchased their first home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

My name is Detreon Roberts and I'm with the digital outreach team here at Comcast. I apologize for the poor experience and I'd like to hear any feedback you have about how we can improve our interactions with you in the future. Please feel free to email me at


Detreon Roberts
Nationa Customer Operations