Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. Sarah headed out to Girl's Camp and had a great time with her friends. This year one of the girls found head lice in her hairbrush so they had to check all the girls at camp and apparently they found three girls who had the head lice. They had to remove them and wash and shampoo everything in the camp. This infected girl was in Sarah's cabin. I'm happy to hear that my daughter didn't get head lice.

2. Frankie had a friend come over for a visit and they headed down to the pool.

3. On Wednesday he was picked up by a church friend and she drove him over to her house for a quick visit. She has a stepson too and the boys just played video games.

4. My oral infection has improved since last week and I believe it is all gone. I still have a few more days of the medication. I hope I don't get sick again this week with my last chemo treatment.

5. Sarah and I are headed to our playgroup today. I'm excited to see my friends new baby boy Preston.

6. Frank and Frankie went and did some home teaching on Sunday afternoon.

7. Our home teachers came over for a surprise visit. It was really nice to get to know them. Brother Topea is orginally from Hawaii and was really funny and just a nice guy.

8. Frankie and I went to a Schaumburg Flyers baseball game. One of Frankie's friends from Wonder Lake happened to be there and they had a great time. The home team lost!

9. On Sunday we were reunited with a friend that had fallen away from the church and had come back. It was nice to see him again.

10. Ok I ran out of things to say...kind of a boring week.

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