Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. On Friday night Frank went to pick up the kids. I drove home to meet a couple of Sarah's friends at the house for a surprise sleepover. She was totally surprised and excited to finally be able to spend time with her friends. Sarah offically turned 14 years old and is growing up so fast.

2. The girls stayed up late that night and camped out in the living room. The girls stayed up all night long. The next day I ran a couple of errands with Sarah and her friend Briahnna. I had a ton of things to do on my list and not much time to do it all in.

3. Sabrina and the kids showed up earlier than expected and I had to rush home from the grocery store. I came home and setup for the party. I made my homemade salsa and finished wrapping presents. I needed to wrap some Christmas gifts for Sabrina and the kids.

4. The party was a great success and everyone had a great time! Sarah and Frankie both opened up gifts they received from their grandparents.

5. Afterwards the kids had an activity at the stake center. It was a kickoff for the New Year. Apparently they had a nice dinner and each ward will be learning a new dance for youth conference this year. This will be Sarah's first year at youth conference. She will be attending her first church dance on Valentine's day.

6. I had my doctor's appointment and was surprised when my husband showed up. He was supposed to have been on an appointment but apparently it ended early. They did my glucose screening test and I will get the results back tomorrow. Next month I get to look forward to getting my rogam shot.

7. The kids stayed an extra day with us because of the Martin Luther King day.

8. Frank picked up the kids for Tuesday night activity last night.They had a great time visiting with their friends.

9. At work we recently started a new dialer system. We had training on Monday and I had to work overtime. We were allowed to go home early because we were done early with our work.

10. I switched over to a new desk at work. This was my 6th move since I have work for Honda. The managers were making some changes around the office before they implemented the new dialer system.

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