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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ten for the Week

It feels like a decade since I wrote one of these Ten for Tuesdays...not from a lack of things to say just the opposite I'm afraid. My life has been crazy busy lately and I will try to catch you up on our lives.

1. So we finally purchased our new home in Gilberts and clean up the condo in Schaumburg and moved out about a month ago. We rented the largest truck available from Uhaul and we barely fit everything in. I was amazed at how much furniture and possessions we really own. Needless to say we had enough to fill up a house.

2. Frank did most of the work on the house and unpacking, etc...It is still a work in progress but is starting to feel more like home.

3. Lara and her family drove up from Arkansas last Friday. The teenagers left for the weekend to their mother's house. We have been busy all week going to a Wild Western town and Discovery park for the kids. The kids had a great time doing all the cowboy activites and panning for gold nuggets. We attended a shoot out show and Savannah started crying as soon as the cowboys started shooting off there guns. We had to leave the show early. We went on pony rides, went to a petting zoo, and the kids went around and around on a water ride.

4. On Monday Lara took her kids and Savannah to a Railroad Museum in Union, IL. Yesterday they went to the Brookfield Zoo and spent the entire day there. Sarah and Frankie stayed behind because they didn't want to go to the zoo again this year.

5. Lara took the entire family including Frankie and Sarah up to Wisconsin Dells which is just North of us. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive and will be camping for the next three days. They are planning on attending a water park everyday and will be going around to see the sights.

6. I kept Savannah & Frank here with me and will be enjoying some much needed piece and quiet. I should have taken some time off from work but needless to say I'm not. I don't want to use up all my vacation time.

7. Frank and I are planning on taking a business trip to Las Vegas from August 2-5th. I will be leaving the kids with my best friend Wendy.

8. I am looking forward to the kids returning back to school on August 15th. Frankie is looking forward to attending a new High School and is hoping to still be able to play football this year. He may also be planning on trying out for basketball. He will be in 10th grade. He will start driver's ed this year...I'm not ready for two new drivers in the household.

9. I recently received a raise at work which was a very nice surprise. Frank continues to work hard on his business and his team continues to grow.

10. I'm looking forward to my life slowing down since we are all moved in. I have been going a 100 mph for the last few months. It's time to pump the brakes!

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