1. Even though Sarah turned 16 years old two weeks ago we decided to throw her a sweet 16 party on Friday night. She had seven of her closest friends over and had a great time. Her church friends all left the party around 9:30 and headed over to another friends house for pizza. We were disappointed that they didn't stay longer at least to finish the party. Her two other friends from school stayed a while longer. She had one girlfriend spend the night.
2. Sarah had a driving lesson with her instructor and ended up leaving her friend behind for about 2 1/2 hrs. I went to go to the church to watch Frankie play basketball and took Sarah's friend to pass the time by. The boys won there game and still remain undefeated in the stake. I had a hard time watching the game because I had to keep running after the baby. She was more interested in playing in the nursery.We stayed and watch a few more games and Frankie played with his friends from the Elgin ward.
3. The girls wanted to go to the mall for some shopping. Sarah's birthday money was burning a hole in her pocket. They had a good time being typical teenagers!
4. I was pretty exhausted after everything was all over. I also came down with a sore throat this weekend. It is never fun being sick and having to throw a party. Luckily the kids were all well behaved and well mannered.
5. We had invited some friends over for dinner tonight. The one friend had cancelled on us at the last moment. We still had the other couple over to eat. We had a good time visiting with them.
6. Frankie's birthday is on Friday and he will be turning 15 years old. The party mode will start all over in about 2 weeks. He will be with his mother this weekend.
7. We are expecting a blizzard over the next 3 days. We have had a very mild winter so far and now its our turn to get hit hard with a snowstorm. I am not looking forward to this at all especially after seeing how bad it is supposed to be on the news.
8. We thought the deal on the Gilberts house was dead, however a call on Friday night from my realtor gave me a ray of hope. My realtor has contacted the seller directly and still wants to sell us her house. Her bankruptcy should be finished by the third week of February. The trustee makes a decision on whether or not to release the property. If that happens then they can sell us the property as a short sale.
9. I met with my new visiting teacher this week. We met at the church so our kids could play with the toys. I completely forgot about the appointment and was contacted on my way home from the grocery store.
10. Have a great week!