Blog Archive

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ten for the Week

1. I had my 2nd to last Herception treatment on Friday. I took the day off and enjoyed the time off. It was very relaxing and I joined up with a friend from church and we took our kids to a splash pad. It was a really hot day outside. Savannah didn't really like the water getting in her face although I think she liked it overall. Afterwards I took her to the park to play for a few minutes.

2. I took Savannah over to my friend Wendy's house for a game night and dinner at Taco's Fresca. An old friend was visiting from Arizona and we spent the evening re-connecting with her this evening.

3. I mostly ran my errands in the morning hrs than I dropped Savannah off at the babysitters. I took Sarah for another driving lesson. We drove a total of two hours back over to her mother's house to pick up some things she left over there the weekend before.

4. The kids invited over a couple of friends and went to the mall to just " hang out" with each other. I stayed home to cook dinner for Frank and I. I recently was given a new baby gate for the kitchen. I put this up and Savannah did not like this at all. She screamed bloody murder the whole time I was cooking dinner. I ended up breaking a glass moments later and was grateful that she wasn't anywhere near me.

5. Sarah was asked to give a talk at church today. She did a great job! Frankie was very disruptive and was making funny faces at her during her talk which was disturbing to her so I kicked him out of sacrament meeting. I had to go get him afterwards because he never came back. Frank stayed at home because he was sick with a sore throat.

6. Savannah is cutting a new molar and is now walking and wanting to help mom in the kitchen and clean the house.

7. We took the kids swimming and really enjoyed the cool down in the pool.

8. Sarah is packing for Girl's Camp this upcoming week. She is staying one extra day because she is a 4th level girl and will be going canoeing.

9. Frankie spent his graduation money and purchased a new skateboard. It arrived this week and has been skating every since. He injured his finger playing basketball at the church. He has several injuries from just being a typically boy.

10. I gave a talk in church last week on motherhood. I was so clam and relaxed and did a great job. I was very pleased with how things worked out for me.

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