Blog Archive

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ten for the Week

1. Frankie graduated from 8th grade and we attended the graduation ceremony. I made a mistake on what day the graduation was on and had to quickly rearrange our schedules to make it there on time.

2. I have three more Herception treatments to go and than I will be finished with everything. I'm really looking forward to August 6th. It has been a very long year but I am very happy that I am cancer free and can move on with my life. I look forward to many more good times with my family in 2010.

3. Frankie has been grounded to the house for the past 3 weeks. It was a very long punishment and he is now finally free to go outside and play. This is the best news all week!

4 . I discovered that Savannah really enjoys watching the Mickey Mouse playhouse on Saturday mornings. It is a nice little break for me while I get the house cleaning finished.

5. I recently purchased a forward facing car seat for both cars and a new high chair. Savannah seems to be enjoying her new "toys".

6. The kids went to youth conference this week up in Wisconsin. It is a wilderness youth conference. The kids are hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, canoeing and repelling. They will return home this evening from all there adventures.

7. Sarah started taking private lessons for driving. She is helping us babysit Savannah during the summer months in return for learning how to drive. She is getting her learners permit on Monday. I'm very afraid to have a new driver in our house.

8. We all went swimming at the pool last weekend and I took Savannah into the hot tub where she had so much fun. She is definately a water baby and is not afraid of the water.

9. Savannah took a few baby steps all by herself last week and is now using a sippy cup. I weened her off of the bottle however she doesn't seem to drink as much milk with the sippy cup so I went back to the bottle just part time.

10. Happy Father's Day to all the hard working men in our lives. We love you and appreciate all that you do for us.

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