Blog Archive

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ten for Tuesday

1. Sarah came over this weekend for a visit. Frank surprised me and actually went out to pick her up. Our babysitter failed to show up and Frank was stuck babysitting Savannah all day long. He didn't have a very busy day and picked Sarah up early. It was a nice break!

2. Frank and I wanted to take the kids out to dinner and out to play glow in the dark mini golf. We ate dinner at Old Country Buffet and than headed over to Walmart. Frank purchased the new Black Eyed cd and quickly returned it when he found out that it had swearing in the 1st song. He wants to file a complaint with the manager. Since when do they sell non edited cd's??? Frankie came away with a skateboard, Sarah got The Last Song book and I was going to get a new camera but they were all sold out of the one that I liked.

3. We headed over to Meijer's and they didn't have much of a selection in cameras. We left shortly afterwards. It was getting late by this time so we ended up not going out to play golf.

4. The next morning Frank came down sick with a sore throat so he called in sick to work. I cleaned the house and than took him to the doctor. We will get the results back from his strep test in a few days. He mostly slept all weekend long.

5. Sarah and I took the baby and ran a bunch of other errands and I took my car into vaccum it out. Frank came home and watched 2012 with the kids.

6. Frank stayed home from church and Frankie joined him since he wasn't feeling good because of his allergies. It was just a quiet relaxing day with my two girls. Afterwards we had a camp meeting that I had to attend to sign up Sarah for her 4th year at camp.

7. We ended up having a couple from church come over to join us for dinner. I cooked a nice roast and burnt the rolls. It was kinda a disaster but I made due. We played Apples to Apples afterwards.

8. I'm currently in the process of looking for a new babysitter for Savannah.

9. I ran out of things to say for now....

10. Have a great week everyone!

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