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Thursday, March 4, 2010

10 Months Old

Today my baby girl turned 10 months old. Frank took her in for her 9 month doctor visit this week . I'm not exactly sure where she is on the growth chart. Frank told me Savannah is still on the small side weighing in at 17 lbs. The doctor did recommend we start feeding her more green foods and add a little meat in her diet. Apparently her blood test results came back that her hemoglobin was on the low side. She is very active and continues to get into everything. We are still trying to teach her the words NO and STOP. She likes to pull all the cds, DVDs, and movies off the shelfs. She is going to be a real handful when she starts walking. She has recently started to climb onto the furniture. I was cleaning up the kitchen today and saw that she had climbed herself into the dishwasher. She likes to pull the silverware out of the basket in front of the dish washer. The doctor stated that Savannah is advanced and will be walking before most kids her own age. She truly is one of the greatest gifts from God. We are loving our little girl and looking forward to her 1st birthday! Sorry no photo this month my camera is not working.

1 comment:

Terri Griffith said...

wow she weighs the same as Nathan. good thing Nathan hasn't learned to climb yet or he would be on the in the dishwasher too!