Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ten for Tuesday

1. I began my radiation treatments a week ago and have only 14 more to go. Yeah!!!

2. I went to playgroup at the church and visited with some friends.

3. The kids came over for the weekend and Sarah and I attended a Tupperware party. I didn't purchase anything on the spot but want to go back to purchase the Fridgesavers. They keep your fruits and vegetables much longer.

4. We went as a family to the ward Christmas party. It was a blast! We had a nice potluck dinner and the Primary kids sang a few songs. The kids all sat on Santa's lap and took photos. Savannah did a great job and just loved pulling on Santa's beard. They also had an orchestra/band concert and the choir sang a few songs. I would have liked to have participated in the program but I apparently missed the announcement in church.

5. Sarah took off to the Baker's house for a movie night. She had a great time spending time with her friends.

6. Frank and Frankie went home teaching on Sunday. We had FHE and than the kids went back home.

7. I went in for an ECHO today and I nearly missed the appointment. I woke up late and noticed that I had a 9am appointment scheduled. I had about a 30 minute commute in the snow and that only left 10 minutes to get ready. I literally went in my pj's and I barely had time to change the baby and put her in her car seat. We made it safely and was only 5 minutes late. The appointment went well and all the nurses were fawning over Savannah.

8. I headed over to get my allergy shots and than stopped at a friend's house for a quick visit. I than ran home and picked up a few things and than went to get another round of radiation. The nurses were nice and watched Savannah for me since I failed to get a babysitter. Oops!

9. I went and got an oil change and I was told by the mechanic that I needed another $700 in car repairs. Figures!

10. I helped Frank get ready for an audit coming up next week. Frank is also doing a job fair today and we are looking forward to moving into our new office in a couple of weeks.

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