Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ten for Tuesday

1. Frank and I went to serve in the Chicago temple on Halloween night. It was a pretty slow night. I participated in a prayer circle and was asked to help out with a sealing. We had to leave early so maybe next time I'll get to do more.

2. Frank and a friend went to see a movie on Halloween night. They seem to enjoy the movie although thought the ending could have been better.

3. I worked overtime on Saturday and than came home and cleaned house. I ran a bunch of errands and than went over to a friend's house to help her unpack. I didn't get a chance to help her move so I thought I would offer a helping hand.

4. We went out to dinner with some friends. We visited a new restaurant called the Mongolian Stir Fry restaurant. They had really good food and was reasonably priced.

5. We had some church friends over for dinner on Sunday. Frank cooked a wonderful meal and we had a great visit! They have a brand new baby and it was nice to get some alone time with her.

6. Frank and I woke up early this morning and we went to cast our vote. The wait was very little and now we wait until the final results are in.

7. I just started my 15th week of my pregnancy.

8. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Lara said...

Wow, second trimester! It wouldn't be long and you will know what your having.